if you're having a baby boy, you might feel relieved that you will only have to worry about one penis. sure, it will be messy when you're teaching him how to aim, and it may be awkward when you have to tell him not to run around holding it and pointing it like a gun. but--if you're having a baby girl, panic sets in because you will have to worry about all the penises. in the world. all of them! ahhhhhhh!
we found out we are having a baby girl, which we are of course very excited about. we don't care about gender, but just want a healthy baby, blah blah blah, that whole bit. ; ) she will be sooooo cute, and probably very sassy...if mom and dad are any indication. pretty much immediately though, aaron started to fret about protecting his lil girl.

she's not even here yet, but he is worrying about, you guessed it, all the pee-pees and ding-dongs in the world. his fatherly instincts are kicking in and he is prepared to protect her from any and all threats, including all those unruly peckers out there. (at least that's what i think he means when he says he's going to lock her up in the basement until she's 25).
baby girl krueger is going to grow up in a house where daddy knows best, daddy protects her, daddy takes her on dates, and daddy greets all the boys with a tour of his weapons and a speech about how he's not afraid of prison. regardless of what she thinks at the time, she will one day realize she is lucky to have a protective and vigilant father.

i know this because i am having the very same realization right about now!
thank you daddy!