let's overreact about pregnancy together...with a generous side of humor! (okay, mostly humor. i like to fancy myself a pretty funny gal ; )
so, yes, this blog is my attempt at finding the humor in the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. pregnancy. holy crap.
how can something that millions, nay, billions of people go through be so strange and seemingly out of the ordinary?
...what the what!
my first response was to overreact. a little hyperventilating, some crying, a lot of cursing.

five months in and the whole thing still feels fake, but i am beginning to adjust and get excited. mostly, i have just come to the realization that i am not special or extraordinary and billions of women have 'been there, done that.' most of them probably with a zero pain medication! ahhhhhh! and that, my friends, is truly the stuff of nightmares. epidural AHOY!