Saturday, November 19, 2011

26 and pregnant

moms have kids. ummm, i'm just a chick. i have always thought to my self in my little self brain, that parents have kids--you know, grownups, adults, people in my mom and dad's cohort. although i am a real live, bonafide adult by definition, i still feel very young and girlish. which leads me to my next point...

i am just now beginning to fathom the meaning of "16 and pregnant." o the horror! i feel just barely old enough to have a baby, and i am a FULL DECADE older than those poor girls on mtv's leading birth control show. seriously, the show 16 and pregnant should be shown to all teenagers as a scare tactic. it's a reality show about 16-year-olds having babies, and that reality is not a pretty one.

so ya, i guess this means i am more of an adult than i had previously thought. i mean, i have been married for several years, have a bachelor's degree, pay taxes, annnd i rock at budgeting, grocery shopping, laundry, yardwork, and sending holiday cards. whoa! when did i become so responsible*?

*not too mature though. i still love me some hardcore underground canadian hip hop, going to the bathroom with the door open, ruining my appetite with dessert before dinner, and sneaking beer into movie theaters.