Sunday, January 29, 2012

i regret this post already

(ignore all the hyperlinks. i didn't make them and can't figure out how to disable them. stoopid spammers!)

how hard can it really be? caring for a newborn? if you already have kids, then this brash statement is likely hilarious to you. well! i have heard a whole lot of complaining and belly-aching about how much work a newborn is. i mean, i'm only having ONE baybie after all! 8 or them, or even just twins, sounds a lot like this picture looks: horrible, nightmarish!

seriously though, how hard can one baby really be? laugh all you want! i have decided it will be no big deal. i'm not sucumbing to the idea that having a new baby is exhausting, stressful, or horrible. it will be pure joy! that's what i'm deciding going with.

this woman decided caring for a baby ain't no thang,
and she'd better up the difficulty level.

i hear babies like to be held a lot. no problemo. i'm gonna hold the crap outta that baby. i can't wait to hold her! i don't want to put her down. i might have trouble letting others hold her. someone better get me a shirt that says 'runs with scissors and does not share well with others.' i promise i try!

see, a kitteh can do it...can't be that hard. while i'm at it... sticking my foot in my mouth that is, i'm going to throw down this little list i've been making for a while. i'm sure we'll all get a massive laugh out of this one day, but hey--here's to great great great expectations! ; )

My child will not*:
  • Wear CROCS. !!!
  • Argue with adults
  • Get away with manipulating behavior
  • Get away with sassy, smart-ass behavior
  • Get out of punishment early
  • Think they are better than other people
  • Divide and conquer their parents
  • Be part of a democracy
  • Have the world revolve around them
  • Get away with shenanigans!
*ahahaahahahaha you say! yes is the answer to your question. i did read what i just wrote. AND, i am aware it is preposterous.

My child will*:
  • Learn it is okay to be disappointed
  • Understand that life is not fair
  • Become comfortable with discomfort
  • Learn the importance of humility
  • Say "thank you for telling me"
  • Look people in the eyes
  • Shake peoples' hands and say "nice to meet you"
  • Respect others' personal space
  • Be calm and quiet in other peoples' homes
  • Behave well in public
*again, aware of level of unrealistic expectations. ; )

that's not too much to ask for now, is it? ha ha you say! it is so easy for me to sit here and think about how easy this whole baby/child thing is going to be. living in la la land up in my blonde head is definitely getting me through pregnancy without all the panic. somehow i have a feeling this all won't be a big slice a cake, but i am determined not to let it rock my boat!  i see you one temper tantrum and raise you two boobies! bring on the baby.